I am Michael from APP Systems Services, a reseller of KLA products.
We encountered an error when measuring the 1D Line Roughness, where there is no “update parameters” when moving the line, and the results remained the same.
(Usually when using line or 2D Area Roughness, we are able to move the line/box, update the parameters, and update the results.)
Thank you.
Michael Toy
Until the fix is ready, there is a work around that will allow you to obtain updated results. Click on the gear at the upper-right corner of the Line Roughness panel.
The roughness settings will be displayed. Change (temporarily one of the settings – for example if the Filter is Gaussian, change to Spline, then change it back to the original Gaussian. Click OK. Now there is a button “UPDATE PARAMETERS”.
Click on this button and you will get the updated results for the line as currently positioned.